What services does FoodPLUS Detroit provide to network members?
FoodPLUS Detroit staff, consultants and volunteers provide project support and technical assistance services to network members, project applicants, and project teams. Network members may become members of the consulting team, helping them to achieve economic sustainability.
The Services:
- Consulting, Coaching, Facilitating, Convening, Training and Education
- Innovation process design and facilitation – technology, social, organizational/process; predictive
- Program and Project management support – including team formation, training and coaching, financial review/revenue strategy development, theory of change model development, logic model development, group decision-making process
- Multi-stakeholder, pubic and community engagement
- Values management: shared values, connected values, values alignment
- Value creation across sustainability elements: people, planet, profit
- Co-design, co-creation, and collaboration practices
- Action Learning, Action Research
- Knowledge and resource sharing practices, processes and systems development
- Plan alignment: local (community, city), regional, national, global
- Planning and implementing demonstrations of innovation
- Change management: culture, social justice, process improvement
- Documentation: Project documents, Standard Operating Procedures (Policies, Processes), Forms/Tools
- Customized services based on project requirements
What are the desired results?
Collective innovation, learning and knowledge results in:
- NEW work, jobs, business ventures, revenue, conditions
- Acceleration of sustainable development that is just and equitable
- NEW relationships (within the network, connecting outside the network)
- NEW networking (locally, regionally, nationally, globally)